As it happens, this first bit of spring Drupal news at Breakthrough Technologies actually originates at the beginning of winter, back in December 2013. By that time, Breakthrough had been doing dozens of Drupal projects since approximately 2008, in between the rest of our custom development work using Microsoft, LAMP, and Java. But in the past couple of years, thanks to some new hires and some great clients with exciting projects, we've seen the Drupal segment of our business gaining a lot of momentum.
Managing Partners and co-founders Doug Wilson and Randy Knapp saw an opportunity to restructure our development team that should lead to more flexibility and focus for teams sharing a common framework. We recognize that some principles and practices may fit frameworks like Drupal much better (or worse) than they fit traditional custom software development.
And so, as of December, Breakthrough has a new department, led by Luke Anderson (that's me!) as the Director of Content Platforms. We're focused on Drupal at first, but we believe that the shop-within-a-shop we're building now, with a mix of part-time and full-time staff, could expand to embrace other similar frameworks in the future.
If you or someone you know might be interested in joining our team, please get in touch at luke.anderson@breaktech.com.
Coming up next...Spring Thing #2 - Cathy Theys: Giving Back to the Drupal Community in a Truly Personal Way.