If you haven't visited the BT office in a while, you should definitely plan on stopping by to see our fresh, new look!
Over the past few months, Bea Cruz, Director of Product Engineering, took on the task of finding new workstations that fit the following criteria set forth by Randy Knapp and Doug Wilson, Managing Partners:
To create spaces that that say Breakthrough is smart, efficient, and creative
To balance form function and quality into our furniture
To have a design that maximizes the current BT space and allows for future growth
To select furniture that that is modular and configurable that will allow BT to change the configuration or the layout in the future (just as we can do with our software projects)
After several meetings and trips to the Merchandise Mart, Bea finally found the perfect workstations that would incorporate all of the furniture goals that were set. The winning designer was Herman Miller www.hermanmiller.com, with its sleek, yet contemporary interior furnishing. To truly make these desks BT desks, the final touches were added and included the signature BT green in panels that run along the back of each of the workstations.